Era Soekamto
Menggebrak dengan Brand Urban Crew
Data Singkat
Era Minaryanti Soekamto, Desainer, Perancang Busana / Menggebrak dengan Brand Urban Crew | 3 Mei 1976 | Selebriti | E | Perempuan, Islam, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Pengusaha, desainer, pengajar, busana, pembicara, fashion, modeling
Era Minaryanti Soekamto
Era Soekamto
Lombok, NTB, 3 Mei 1976
Perancang Busana
- Lasalle International Fashion College Singapura, 1995
- SMA 70, Jakarta
- SMPN 19, Jakarta
- Founder dan managing director PT Urban Production
- Fashion consultant dan public relation for PT Indonesia Wacoal
- Fashion Consultant for Brand Aid consultant group to apprehand several re-branding korean fashion brand Ramses and hisgesture
- Fashion Design and entrepeneurship lecturer – develop student in creative program (Fashion business color and composition, fashion illustration, fashion history and style and trend ), 1998 – 2005
- Current Founder, Curriculum Designer, Program Director Indonesia International Fashion Institute affiliation with British education awarding body BTEC Edexel, since 2004
- Current Founder, Curicullum designer Excellence Image Building ( Exib), constraining in personal developement, Grooming centre, and comunication skill education trough the substantial of creative intelligence and the right brainer ( emotional intelligence), since 2004
- Current Developing own fashion mass production brand “UC” majoring the B-C youth market distributed at wholesaler market, 2004
- Founder of Platinum Management and modelling agency, 2004
- Current Fashion Consultant and Public relation for PT Indonesia Wacoal, since 2006
- Current Founder and Managing Director- a fashion service company Urban Corp Indonesia with 3 brands and 2 services division, 2004
- Current Participate as a judge for several fashion contest eq: Mercedes Benz Fashion award, Indonesia young designer contest,Plaza Senayan Palm Award, etc., since 2000
- Current Fashion consultant for Brand Aid consultant group to apprehand several re-branding korean fashion brand Ramses and hisgesture, Lingerie project for Wacoal etc. Be guest speaker for several Seminars, Workshops and Conferences. Most of topic are about self branding, Fashion Fundamental in developing a self, Creativity and business,Entrepeneurship and Creative intelligence, 2000
- Current Fashion Designer and Developing own fashion brand ” Urban Crew” majoring the A-B youth market, and become the first youth fashion brand existed in Indonesia with own community build up by the brand activities and progressive campaign. Distributed at premium department stores and boutiques, 1996
- Developing Men’s wear brand for Salim Textile group – Exco and Foxton, 1996-1998
- Posses to develop the strong skill in vocational education to prepare the institute as a centre of creativity integrated with business with special programs: Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandising, and Fashion Journalism. Preparing the education system constraining in Competencies and business fundamental.
- Urban Crew (fashion brand)
- Unique Indonesia (hand artwork specialist)
- Urban Garmindo (Research,development,merchandising and production services, Apprehended more than 300 brands’s uniforms for front liners and back officers, more than 30 Indonesian artist video klips costume design and making, Indonesian movie costume design and making for collosal movie Ca Bau Kan, Janji Joni and Ekspedisi Madewa)
- Urban Chain (Research,development,merchandising and production services for kangaroo leather,apprehended buyers from several countries such as Australia, Canada,vietnam etc)
- Expert team to preservation of Tenun Baduy with Cita Tenun Indonesia, 2009
- Chief of comitte Indonesia Creative Industry Community helding exhibition of 14 creative industry JCC 2008 with Indonesian Government, 2008
- Current Founder Indonesia Fashion incoorporated (IFINC) – held Indonesia Fashion week 2006 ITAF ( Indonesia Textile and Apparel Festival ) Kemayoran
- Current Board of Moderator Indonesia Young Entrepeneurship with 1000 entrepeneurs members, 2006
- Current Member of Indonesia Fashion Designer council ( IFDC/IPMI ), 2000
- Chief of commite of several fashion promotion eq: Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival, IFDC Trend Show, Trend forecasting 2005-2006 from Austria to Indonesian fashion Industry,Indonesian Label show, 2003-2006
- Current Apprehanded over than 200 Urban Crew fashion shows local and international ; 8 times solo fashion show every year with 2000 invitees each, synergies with sponsors such as DuPont Lycra® for Asia Pasific trend forecasting, Mercedes Benz, Nescafe, Nokia, Tyfountex, Apac inticorpora etc., 1998
- Runner up Indonesia Young designer contest, Jakarta
- Runner up Asian Young Designer contest, Singapore
- Best Illustrator Indonesian Fashion week, Jakarta
- Semi Finalist Surrealism fashion contest, Switzerland
- Best up coming designer A+ Magazine Fashion Award, Evian Bottle fashion icon
- Designer of the year Dara magazine
- Nominated of Brand of the year Nokia and A+ magazine fashion award
Funny Face and Breakfast At Tiffany-Audrey Hepburn, Barbarella-Jane Fonda, Dead Poets Society, The Cutting Edge, Titanic
Barbra Streisand, Barry Manilow, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Ruth Sahanaya, Jason Mraz.
Al Quran, The Secret, The Secret Of The Secret
PT Urban Production Taman Radio Dalam V, Jl Deltasari F2 No 45, Kebayoran baru, Jakarta Selatan 12140. Telp/fax. (021) 98566252, 72798723, 085814193228 (PR Manager : Heince Valentino),,