Tak Sangka Jadi Hakim MK

Maruarar Siahaan
Maruarar Siahaan
Maruarar Siahaan | Tokoh.ID

[ENSIKLOPEDI] Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Bengkulu ini tidak menyangka akan terpilih menjadi hakim konstitusi. Ketua Mahkamah Agung yang memilihnya untuk jabatan baru itu. Lulusan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia 1967 ini mengaku ditelepon Bagir Manan 10 hari sebelum pelantikannya.

Maruarar Siahaan was born in Tanah Jawa, North Sumatra, 16 December 1942 and finished his first degree in the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia in 1967. This former Chief of the Appeal Court in Medan was a Visiting Scholar in the School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, 1990-1991. He also attended Judicial Orientation program in New South Wales, Judicial Commission and AIJA in Wollonggong, Australia in 1997.

Besides, he attended International Comparative Law Program in the International and Comparative Law Centre, South Western Legal Foundation University of Texas, Dallas in 1976. Having four children, he hopes that he can contribute to the enforcement and supremacy of constitution. As a new institution, he considers that the Constitutional Court has a lot of challenges and therefore serious and hard work is needed. mk

Data Singkat
Maruarar Siahaan, Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi / Tak Sangka Jadi Hakim MK | Ensiklopedi | hakim, mahkamah, konstitusi


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