Ahli Rekayasa Kegempaan
Adang Surahman
[DIREKTORI] Dr Adang Surahman, MSc, Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik & Kemahasiswaan, lahir di Cimahi, 7 September 1954. Doktor lulusan Lehigh University, USA (1981- 1984) meraih gelar MSc (S2) dari Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA (1979 – 1980) dan Sarjana Teknik Sipil, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1973-1978).
Sebelum menjabat Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan (2001), dia menjabat Kepala UPT Olahraga ITB (1999-2002) dan Ketua Departemen Teknik Sipil ITB (1995-1998), seraya merangkap Kepala Laboratorium Mekanika Struktur PPAU-Ilmu Rekayasa ITB (1993-2002).
Sejak 1986 sampai sekarang dia aktif sebagai Staf Pengajar Departemen Teknik Sipil ITB dan Peneliti Laboratorium Mekanika Struktur PPAU – Ilmu Rekayasa ITB.
Selain aktif mengajar sebagai dosen, dia juga aktif berorganisasi. Tahun 1999-2003 di menjabat Ketua Asosiasi Ahli Rekayasa Kegempaan Indonesia (AARGI). Dia juga aktif di Indonesian National Delegate International Association of Earthquake Engineering (I AEE) tahun 1996 – 2004.
Juga anggota APEC Network on Structural Design Standard sejak 1996 sampai sekarang dan anggota Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia (HAKI) 1986 sampai sekarang.
a) Bidang Tek nik Sipil
1997 World Seismic Safety Initiativ e works hop, Frankf urt, 1 Minggu
1997 Disast er Mitigation, ADPC, Bangkok, 1 Minggu
1993 Disaster Prev ention, Jak art a, Unesco, 1 Minggu
1988 Earthquake Engineering, Ts ukuba, Japan, 2 bulan
1987 I ndonesian Bridge Engineering Course, UNSW Australia, 3 Minggu
1986 Bridge Substruct ure Training, Japan, JTC, 6 Minggu
1986 Steel Utilization Seminar, Japan, JISEA, 2 Minggu
2002 Kursus Pimpinan ITB
1997 Penataran P4 unt uk Lektor Kepala
1995 Kursus Pimpinan ITB
1995 Pelatihan Bela Negara
1989 Penat aran P4 tingkat Jawa Barat
2002 Saty alancana Karya Satya
1987 Dos en Teladan Tingkat FTSP ITB
1. Surahman, Adang “Earthquake Vulnerability Evaluation of Buildings in Bandung
Municipality” (Proceeding: 12th World Conf erenc e on Eartquak e Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 January- 4 February 2000, ISBN 0-9582154-1-3
2. Irsyam, Masyhur, Firmansy ah, Jodi, Wangsadinata, Wiratman, Merati, Widiadnyana,
Surachman, Adang “Dev elopment of Sy nthetic Ground Motions-Bedrock of Jakarta”
(Proceeding: 12th World Conf erenc e on Eartquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 January- 4 February 2000, ISBN 0-9582154-2-1)
3. Surahman, A., Wangsadinata W, and Sidjabat, H.R., “The Indonesian Seismic Code – State of The Art Report 2000”, Presented to the 5th APEC Seminar and Workshops on Alignment of Standards in the Building Industry, 15th – 17th Marc h 2000.
4. Adang Surahman “Reliability Considerations of Env iromentally Induced Degrading
Stuctures” (Proc eeding: Second Asia/Pasific Conf erence on Durability of Building Systems: Harmonised Standards and Evaluation, Bandung, 10 -12 Juli 2000, v ol. II, pp. 23-1-23-11)
5. Wiratman Wangs adinata, Adang Surahman, H.R. Sijabat “Report on the Rev ision of The Indonesian Seismic Code” (Presented to te APEC Workshop & Seminar, Shenzen, China, 22-25 March 1999)
6. Surahman, A., “The Rev ision of the Indones ian Seismic Code”, Presented to the APEC Workshop & Seminar, Shenzen, China 22-25 Maret 1999.
7. Way an Sengara, Adang Surahman, and Kris hna S. Pribadi “Seismic Hazard and Counter Measures in Bandung – Indones ia” (Bulletin of the International I nstitut of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Res earch Institute, Ministry of Construction, 1999, Vol.33, hal. 243-263, ISSN 0074-655X)
8. Surahman A., and Merati W., “Res earch f or Indonesian Seismic Design Code Update”, Proceeding: Asia Pasif ic Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrof it of Structures, pp. 71 – 82, August 10-12, 1998.
9. Surahman A., “Indonesian Earthquake Study and Design Practic e wit h a Case Application in J akart a”, Proceeding: First I nternational Earthquak e and Megacities Workshop, pp. 393 – 400, Sep 1-4, 1997.
10. Surahman A.,”Lateral Forces Acting on The J ak arta Tower”, Proc eeding: the Fourt h Asia – Pasif ic Sympos ium on Wind Engineering, pp. 319 – 326, July 14 -16, 1997.
11. Merati, W., Surahman, A., And Sidi, I., “Indonesian Earthquake Zonation Development”, Proceedings of the Elev ent h World Conference on Eart hquak e Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico, 1996.
12. Surahman, A., Merati, W., “Mechanical Behav iour of Fly Ash Conc rete”, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp 37-44, Southampton, 1996.
13. Merati, W., Irsyam, M., Sengara, W., and Surahman, A., “Lessons Learned f rom the 1992 Flores Island Eart hquak e” Sec ond International Conferenc e on Earthquake Resistance Construction and Design”, Berlin, June 15-17, 1994.
14. Widiadny ana Merati, Adang Surahman, and Priy o Suprobo, “Struct ural Behav iour of Very High Strengt h Concrete”, The Asahi Glass Foundation, pp 703-706, 1994.
15. Surahman, A., and Merati, W., “Input Energy Based Seismic Design Code”, Proceedings of the Xth World Conf erence on Earthquake Engineering, pp 5887-5890, Madrid, J uly 19-24, 1992.
16. Ostapenko, A. and Surahman, A., “Axial Behavior of Longitudinally Stiff ened Plates”, (Comportement Axial des Plaques Munies des Radiss eurs Longitudinaux ), Proceedings of the International Collquim on Stability of Metal Structures, pp 291-303, Paris, 16-17 Nov, 1983.
17. Surahman A., and Rojiani, K., “Reliability Based Optimum Des ign of Concrete F rames”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 109, pp 741-757, No. 3 March, 1983.
2001 – 2002 Ketua Tim Penyusun Tata Cara Perenc anaan Struktur Baja untuk
Bangunan Gedung
1999 – 2002 Anggota Tim Peny usun Tata Cara Penghitungan Struktur Beton untuk
Bangunan Gedung SNI-03-2847-1992
1999 – 2002 Anggota Tim Peny usun Peraturan Konstruksi Kay u Indonesia
1998 – 2002 Wakil Ketua Tim Penyusun Standar Perencanaan Bangunan Tahan
Gempa untuk Rumah dan Gedung
1994 – 2001 Anggota Tim Penyusun Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja untuk
Bangunan Gedung
Alamat Rumah:
Jl. Setiabudi No 39, Bandung 40161
Telepon: 2035781
HP: 0811245454
Alamat Kantor:
Kantor Pusat ITB
Alamat : Jl. Tamansari 64 Bandung 40116
Telepon : 2508515
Faksimili : 2508515