Onno W Purbo

Pakar IT yang Suka Berbagi
Onno W Purbo
Onno W Purbo | Tokoh.ID

Data Singkat
Ir. Onno Widodo Purbo, M.Eng., PhD, Pakar teknologi informasi / Pakar IT yang Suka Berbagi | 17 Agts 1962 | Direktori | O | Laki-laki, Islam, Jawa Barat, ITB, Teknologi Informasi, pendidik, pakar, komputer, internet, open source, linux


Ir. Onno Widodo Purbo, M.Eng., PhD


Bandung, Jawa Barat, 17 Agustus 1962


Pakar teknologi informasi


Hasan Poerbo (ayah), Tini (ibu)

  • Nurlina (menikah 1999)
  • Nita Trejuningdyah (menikah 1988)

Ito, Reza, Atik, Dery, dan Dzaq



  • S1. Jurusan Teknik Elektro ITB, tahun 1987 (wisudawan terbaik)
  • S2 (M.Eng), McMaster University, Kanada 1989
  • S3 (P.hD) Universitas Waterloo, Kanada 1993 – Teknologi Rangkaian Terintegrasi untuk Satelit
  • Pendiri RT/RW-Net
  • Aktif menulis dalam bidang teknologi informasi media, seminar, konferensi nasional maupun internasional
  • Mantan dosen dan Kepala Perpustakaan Pusat ITB
  • Distro Linux
  • Distro SchoolOnffLine
  • Distro SMEOnffLine
  • Distro ORARINux
  • Distro SekolahNux
  • Distro IPTEKNux
Peristiwa penting:
  • Memimpin penulisan naskah “Kerangka Konseptual: Nusantara 21” di Yayasan Litbang Telekomunikasi Informatika (YLTI), Mei 1998
  • Kepala Perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), 1999-2000
  • Mantan Dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung, sejak Februari 2000. (Berdasarkan SK MENDIKNAS No. 533/K01.2/KP.04.2/SK/2000 tanggal 28 Februari 2000 tentang Pemberhentian dengan Hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil ditandatangani oleh Prof.Dr.Ir. Djoko Santoso M.Sc. a.n. MENDIKNAS.)
  • Memberi Workshop Internet Wireless dan VoIP di beberapa negara, seperti, Afrika Selatan, Amerika Serikat, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Denmark, Laos, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, Timor Leste, Tunis
  • Menjadi anggota advisory board pada beberapa organisasi nasional & Internasional, seperti, Masyarakat Telematika (MASTEL), 2006, UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP), 2006
  • Pernah menjabat di pengurusan ORARI Lokal dan Daerah Jawa Barat maupun Jakarta
  • Sejak tahun 2006, menjadi koordinator bagian Pendidikan & Latihan (DIKLAT) di pengurus ORARI Pusat yang materinya dihosting di beberapa situs di Internet
  • Bergabung dengan Wikipedia Indonesia dengan nama pengguna Onnowpurbo, Sejak 17 Juli 2006
  • Membina Kelompok Remaja Melek IT (Kerm.IT) di lingkungan Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, sejak tahun 2007
  • Aktif sebagai Qualified Trainer di Wireless University http://www.wirelessu.org untuk memberikan training teknologi wireless internet di seluruh dunia, sejak September 2008
Publikasi Internasional:
  • Onno W. Purbo, D.T. Cassidy and S.H. Chisholm, “Numerical model for degenerate and heterostructure semiconductor devices,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 5078-5082, 15 November 1989
  • Onno W. Purbo and C.R. Selvakumar, “Simultaneous extraction of hole barrier height and interfacial oxide thickness in polysilicon emitter bipolar transistors,” Solid State Electronics, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 821-826, 1991
  • Onno W. Purbo and C.R. Selvakumar, “High gain SOI polysilicon emitter transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Letter, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 635-637,1991
  • Onno W. Purbo and Adang Suwandi, “Automation of Bipolar Transistor Characterization,” IEEE conference, Kuala Lumpur, 1992
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Development of Low Cost Wide Area Network in Indonesia,” Journal of Scientific Indonesia, Vol. 1, No 1, October 1991
  • Onno W. Purbo, “SOI Transistor for high speed devices and satellite applications,” Journal of Scientific Indonesia, Vol. 1, No 1, October 1991
  • C.R.Selvakumar and O.W.Purbo, “Polysilicon emitter bipolar transistor realized on Zone-Melting-Recrystallized Silicon-on-Insulator material,” SPIE conference on “Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies” Bangalore, India, 16-21 December 1991
  • Onno W. Purbo, C.R. Selvakumar and D. Misra (NJIT, USA), “Reactive Ion Etching of SOI (ZMR and SIMOX) Silicon in CF4+O2 and SF6+O2 Plasmas,” the Fifth International Symposium on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices of the Electrochemical Society, St. Louis, Missoury, 17-22 May 1992
  • Onno W. Purbo, C.R. Selvakumar and D. Misra (NJIT, USA), “Reactive Ion Etching of SOI (SIMOX and ZMR) Silicon in Nitrogen Containing CF4 + O2 and SF6 + O2 Plasmas,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, vol. 140, no. 9, pp. 2659-2668, 1993
  • Onno W. Purbo, “An alternative approach to built low cost TCP/IP-based Wide Area Network in Indonesia,” the South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) ’92 regional conference, Kuala Lumpur, 14 August 1992
  • Onno W. Purbo, “The building of information infra-structure to sustain the current growth in Indonesia,” The Canadian Association for Studies on International Development (CASID) conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, 7-9 June 1993
  • O.W.Purbo and C.R.Selvakumar, “Gamma radiation effects on ZMR-SOI Polysilicon Emitter Transistors,” 1993 International Conference on Microelectronics, Dhahran, 14-16 December 1993
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Low cost strategies for a sustainable microelectronics information system,” MICRO’93, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia 5-8 October 1993
  • Onno W. Purbo, “A Unified Model of Early Voltage for Bipolar Transistors at low temperatures,” the 3rd ASEAN regional seminar (TARSMIT 94) on Microelectronics and Information Technology, 9-11 August 1994, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Early voltage of ZMR-SOI polysilicon emitter transistors at low temperatures,” the 3rd ASEAN regional seminar (TARSMIT 94) on Microelectronics and Information Technology, 9-11 August 1994, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Onno W. Purbo, F. Ihsan Hariadi & Mervin Hutabarat, “The microelectronics infrastructure in Indonesia,” International Conference on Microelectronics 1994, Istambul, Turkey
  • Onno W. Purbo, “The Indonesia Computer Network Infrastructure A Status Report,” Expert Group Meeting in the Development of RIHED Information Network on Higher Education, Bangkok, Thailand, March 14 16, 1995
  • Budi Jatmiko, Abdulbasir, Eddy Yahya, Onno W. Purbo, and Ihsan Hariadi, “Optimizing temperature and time of phosphorous diffusion in p/B type polycrystalline silicon substrate,” International Conference on Microelectronics ICM’95, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Onno W. Purbo, Ichwan F. Agus, Arman Hazairin, A. Daniel Sembiring, Rudi Nursasono, Aulia K. Arief, Basuki Suhardiman, Zilmy Zamfarra, M. Halomoan Rambe, Februaris Purnomo, Bondan, Unedo Matondang, Denisz, Ismail Fahmi, Adnan, “Development of Computer Communication Network & its present status in Indonesia,” The 4th ASEAN Science and Technology Week, 21 August – 1 September, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Soegiardjo Soegijoko, Onno W. Purbo, Widiadnyana Merati, Priyono Sutikno, Intan Achmad, “Indonesia Computer Network Status”, Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) Meeting, 22-24 January 1996, Singapore
  • D.Misra, O.W.Purbo, C.R.Selvakumar, “Reduction of damage in Reactive Ion Etched Surfaces through Process Modification,” SPIE: Microelectronics Processing ’93, Monterey, California, 27-29 September 1993
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Indonesian Information Infrastructure & The Strategy to Implement Electronics Data Interchange (EDI),” International Seminar on Electronic Data Interchange: Implementation in Transport Sector, Yogyakarta 11-12 June 1997
  • Onno W. Purbo, Matthew Walton, “The Foundation of Cultural Change in Indonesia”, Information Technologies & International Development (ITID) Journal, Vol 6, SPECIAL EDITION 2010 (HARVARD FORUM II ESSAYS), pp. 45-48, 2010

Menulis lebih dari 40 judul antara lain:

  • Onno W. Purbo, “Ayo memblok situs negatif”, Penerbit Andi, 2009
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Membangun Pemancar FM broadcast komunitas”, Penerbit Andi, 2008
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Panduan Mudah merakit + menginstal server linux”, Penerbit Andi, 2008
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Intel Platform Administration Technology”, Penerbit Andi, 2008
  • “ICT Infrastructure in Emerging Asia: Policy and Regulatory Roadblocks”, (co author) LIRNEAsia, 2007
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Akses Internet Menggunakan 3G”, CHIP, 2007
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Panduan Praktis RT/RW-net”, Infokomputer, 2007
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Buku Pegangan VoIP Rakyat Cikal Bakal Telkom Rakyat”, InfoKomputer, 2007
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Buku Pegangan Pengguna ADSL dan Speedy”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2006
  • Onno W. Purbo, “PC Cloning Windows pakai Linux LTSP”, Penerbit Andi, 2006
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Buku Pegangan Internet Wireless dan Hotspot”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2005
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Practical Guide To Build A WiFi Infrastructure”, International Development Research Center, 2004
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Practical Guide to Internet Telephony”, International Development Research Center, 2004
  • Samuel Prakoso, Tomy dan Onno W. Purbo, “Panduan Praktis Menggunakan E-mail Server Qmail”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2004
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Infrastruktur Wireless Internet Kecepatan 11-22Mbps”, Penerbit Andi, 2003
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Filosofi Naif Kehidupan Dunia Cyber”, Penerbit Republika, 2003
  • Onno W. Purbo dan Ridwan Sanjaya, “Membangun Web dengan JSP”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2002
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Konferensi Video Melalui Internet”, Penerbit Andi, 2002
  • Onno W. Purbo dan Ridwan Sanjaya, “Membuat Aplikasi WAP dengan PHP”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2001
  • Onno W. Purbo dan Akhmad Daniel Sembiring, “APACHE Web Server”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2001
  • Thabratas Tharom dan Onno W. Purbo, “VOIP: Voice over Internet Protocol”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2001
  • Onno W. Purbo dan Akhmad Daniel Sembiring, “Linux RedHat”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2000
  • Onno W. Purbo, “Teknologi Warung Internet”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2000
  • Onno W. Purbo, Ismail Fahmi, Akhmad Husni Thamrin, Adnan Basalamah, “TCP/IP: Konsep Disain dan Implementasi”, Elexmedia Komputindo, 1998
  • Onno W. Purbo, Gadang Ramantoko, Khrisnahadi Pribadi, Bobby Nazief, “Kerangka Konseptual Nusantara 21”, Yayasan Litbang Telekomunikasi Informatika, 1998
  • Anugerah “Tasrif Award” dari Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), 2010
  • Anugerah “Competency Award 2009” dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP),2009
  • Anugerah “TIRTO ADHI SOERJO” kategori Pelopor / Pemulai, dari [I:BOEKOE], 2009
  • Indigo Fellow: Digital Community Fellow, dari PT. Telekom Indonesia, 2009
  • Gelar “Pahlawan Generasi Masa Kini” dari Modernisator, 2008
  • Masuk dalam buku “Indonesia 100 Innovators”, Business Innovation Center, 2008
  • Menerima “IGOS Summit 2 Award”, dari Menkominfo atas semangat dan perjuangan menyebarluaskan pemanfaatan Open Source di Indonesia, 2008
  • Menerima “Gadget Award Exclusive Appreciation”, dari Majalah Gadget, 2008
  • Ashoka Senior Fellow, dari Ashoka Amerika Serikat, 2005
  • Sabbatical Award, dari International Development Research Center (IDRC) (Kanada), 2003
  • Eisenhower Fellow, dari Eisenhower Fellowship(Amerika Serikat), 2002
  • Award for Indonesian Internet Figure, KADIN Telematika Award, 2000
  • Masuk dalam buku “Indonesia Abad XXI: Di Tengah Kepungan Perubahan Global”, Editor Ninok Leksono, KOMPAS, 2000
  • Menerima “ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award”, dari ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO), 1997
  • Menerima “Adhicipta Rekayasa”, dari Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, 1996
  • Profil Peneliti, KOMPAS 26 Desember 1994
  • Masuk dalam buku “American Men and Women of Science”, R.R.Bowker, New York Amerika Serikat, 1992
  • Lulusan Terbaik, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1987



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Pusat Data Tokoh Indonesia (update 27/01/2012)


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