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Luhut Asked Government Officials to Buy Domestic Products


Jakarta – The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan asked all state and regional officials to buy domestic products to support the Proudly Indonesian Made National Movement.

In launching the #EverythingAdaDisini campaign which is part of the Proudly Indonesian Made National Movement held by the Ministry of Industry online on Wednesday, he stressed the government should be a clear example of supporting the movement.

“Every official at the central and regional levels must be able to clearly show their side and become a role model and buy domestic products for their personal needs,” Luhut Pandjaitan said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Luhut also said that the government must optimize the realization of the government procurement package budget of Rp. 321 trillion for MSMEs from a total of Rp. 783 trillion in 2020 through the procurement system implemented by the Government Goods / Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP).

Previously, the government launched a national movement on procurement of government goods and services specifically for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector.

LKPP Head Roni Dwi Susanto said based on data up to 15 June 2020, there were 380,474 business who had participated in the procurement of government goods and services, and 44 percent or 167,278 are small businesses.

From the budget allocation of Rp2,209 trillion in the APBN-APBD, 52.5 percent is allocated for procurement expenditure.

“But as of June, only 62.4 percent of ministries/institutions and local governments have included in the public procurement system plan or Sirum,” he said.

Therefore, Roni asked all ministries/institutions and local governments to increase spending on goods and services for micro and small businesses. (Ant)

*English by Tokoh.ID system.

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